FINALLY, the doors to AudioBook Profits swing wide open….
Here’s How-To Add An Audiobook Profit-Center To Your Information Publishing Business
Kindle publishing is still great BUT AudioBooks can take your Kindle (or any) content to the NEXT LEVEL of Publishing Profits!
I’m soooo completely jazzed about this…You know that a core tenant of my business is to build as many free-standing, set-it-and-forget-it, passive income, profit centers.
That is why over the years I have built and taught you to build a catalog of Amazon Kindle publications and Barnes and Noble “Nook” books and even taught how to publish physical booksusing Amazon’s print-on-demand technology.
But truth be told I have long had my eye on converting my written publications into audiobooks.
I mean look around — everywhere you look people have earbuds and headphones plugged into their ears listening to podcasts, music and YES audiobooks.
IN FACT, the demand for quality audiobooks is tremendous!
Because supply is limited.
Here’s what I mean…
Several years ago when I was just starting to put up my catalog of Kindle and Nook books (now at over 2500 titles in each) I did what I teach to all my students. I began to look for ways to repackage and repurpose my content.
I viewed audiobook production as a natural progression.
I knew that with the popularity and ease of use of the iPod and other MP3 players that more and more people were looking for audio content coupled with the fact that audio was the only content you could consume while engaged in another activity like walking your dog, made audiobooks were poised to be the next great frontier in digital publishing. |
[ [ [Independent authors, publishers and info-preneurs like you and me were locked-out!] ] ]
Heck, I remember when I first researched it I quickly learned that
THE 800 Pound Gorilla in the market WAS
AND Audible WAS the only way you could get your audiobook into the audiobook categories on Amazon.
In my market research, I learned that getting your audiobooks into the audiobook categories was crucial to the long term profits and key to the set-it-and-forget-sales I was looking for.
Accordingly, once I determined that the only way into Amazon with my audiobooks was through I started looking for a way in; a way to publish my stuff through much the same way I was using the Kindle Direct Publishing platform to publish my Kindle books.
Problem was such a way did not exist (at least none that I could find).
So after scouring the Audible website I found a customer service email address. I wrote Audible and asked how I could become an approved audiobook publisher.
I never got a response… so after several weeks I wrote another email and asked again.
Still no response…
Finally, I did some digging and found the phone number of Audible corporate headquarters in Newark, New Jersey.
I called and amazingly got through to someone and asked the question again. I explained that I was a small, but legitimate publisher with a number of titles that I wanted to publish as audiobooks.
After hearing my request they went on to tell me that Audible primarily worked with major trade publishers like Random House, Simon and Schuster and other biggies.
This person said while it was possible to become an approved publisher it was a difficult process. She said that once a formal request was made that it may take months to get an answer and it may not be and answer I’d like.
She then quickly suggested that I work with one of Audible’s approved “aggregators”. These production studios had approved status and could handle the entire production process.
I got excited and asked her for a list of these firms. She named two or three of them and suggested I simply Google search it for others.
I thanked her for her time and then immediately began a web search for the audiobook production studios she recommended.
I found them on a quick Internet search but as I perused each of the website one fact became abundantly clear.
In order to produce an audiobook through one of these approved companies you had to pony-up major cashola!
How much?
THOUSANDS of dollars! For One Single AudioBook!
This kind of cash outlay was only warranted if the audiobook were going to be a big seller. That, I knew, would would take marketing, time and effort.
In other words, this high-dollar advance payment method of audiobook creation was not conducive to the publish-it-and-let-it-fend-for-itself kind of publishing business I was running.
That’s right folks for the vast majority of my Amazon and Barnes and Noble titles I simply publish them and then rely on the marketplace to sell them. I do little to no marketing of them once I give birth to them.
Consequently, I was looking for a Kindle-like (free) publishing platform and what existed was a vanity press pay up front kind of model.
I tried several of the recommended audio production companies and found several more that could do the job but in the end they were all too expensive and required too much out of pocket to make it worth my time.
So after several weeks of trying and looking I developed a gut feeling that I should simply shelve the idea.
Recently, Audible OPENED a Feasible & Economical Way To Publish High-Quality AudioBook Versions Of ANY Kindle or Physical Book Published ON
In many respects it parallels the ease of use of Kindle publishing.
And to say I am stoked about it is an understatement!
Consequently, I have spent the last couple of months digging and learning the professional audiobook creation process. The ins, the outs, the ups, the downs, all to bring YOU...
My latest Step-By-Step training program Designed To Help YOU Produce AudioBook versions of every single book you have up on Amazon!
That’s why I am SUPER Excited
and Proud to Introduce YOU TO… |